General Politics

US seeks powers to take over non-financial firms in wake of AIG

US seeks powers to take over non-financial firms in wake of AIG Washington  - US authorities need broad new emergency powers to take over non-financial firms whose collapse could threaten the wider economy, the country's top economic officials warned Tuesday in the wake of the bail-out of insurance giant American International Group Inc.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke defended the bail-out of AIG, which began in September, as critical to the survival of the US financial system.

Confidence vote session underway in Czech Republic

Confidence vote session underway in Czech RepublicPrague  - Czech lawmakers convened Tuesday to submit Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek's government to a confidence test, the outcome of which could undermine country's presidency of the European Union and efforts to ratify the bloc's reform Lisbon Treaty.

If the government falls, it would also complicate the Czech Republic's efforts to battle the economic slump and deal a major blow to Czech-US missile defence treaties, Topolanek's key foreign policy project.

Britain sees increased threat of "dirty bomb" attack

Jacqui SmithLondon  - The British government Tuesday warned of the increased threat of a nuclear or chemical attack, while unveiling plans of a greater involvement of the public in the fight against terrorism.

A government assessment of the terrorist threat said that while terrorism networks such as al-Qaeda were "likely to fragment" and might not survive in their current form, their ideology would live on.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, in a report to be submitted to parliament later Tuesday, said the "likely future direction" of the threat would involve the use of a so-called dirty bomb.

Nepalese court reinstates eight generals forced into retirement

Nepalese court reinstates eight generals forced into retirement Kathmandu  - Nepal's Maoist-led government on Tuesday suffered a serious setback after the Nepalese Supreme Court reinstated eight army generals who had been forced into retirement.

The eight brigadier generals were forced into retirement after the defence ministry led by a former Maoist rebel leader Ram Bahadur Thapa ignored the recommendation of the army headquarters to extend their terms by another three years.

Congress manifesto focuses on countering terrorism, economic crisis

Congress manifesto focuses on countering terrorism, economic crisisNew Delhi, Mar 24: The Congress party on Tuesday said that its focus in the 2009 general elections would be on eradicating the menace of terrorism, protecting farmers, countering the impact of global recession and enhancing the reach of the national job guarantee scheme.

Did Prakash Jha Get An Election Ticket For Launching Ram Vilas Paswan’s Son?

Prakash JhaAll of Bihar is abuzz with the rumour that Prakash Jha has been given an election ticket by Ram Vilas Paswan's LJP party in Bihar on promise that Prakash will launch Paswan's son Chriag as a leading man.

Though Prakash outright denies such a deal he doesn't rule out the possibility of working with Ram Vilas Paswan's son Chirag who's now based in Mumbai and preparing for a career in films.
