General Politics

Israel's Likud signs coalition deal with Jewish Home

Israel's Likud signs coalition deal with Jewish Home Tel Aviv  - Another right-wing party joined the coalition of Israeli Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday evening, Israel Radio reported.

Netanyahu's hardline, but mainstream Likud party signed a coalition agreement with the pro-settler Jewish Home faction.

The party has three seats in the 120-seat Knesset, meaning Netanyahu now has a majority of 69 lawmakers in the Israeli parliament.

The Jewish Home will receive the science portfolio, the radio said.

ROUNDUP: Dutch announce 6-billion-euro economic stimulus plan

Dutch announce 6-billion-euro economic stimulus planAmsterdam - The Dutch government on Wednesday announced a 6- billion-euro (8.1-billion-dollar) economic stimulus plan that will see investment followed by cost-cutting in 2011 to tackle the economic crisis.

Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, presenting the plan to parliament, said the funds would be spent over six years, primarily on infrastructure projects, unemployment prevention and sustainable energy over the next six years.

Israeli intelligence chief: Iran has crossed nuclear bomb threshold

Israeli intelligence chief: Iran has crossed nuclear bomb thresholdTel Aviv  - Iran has "crossed the technological threshold" for making an atom bomb, Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin said Wednesday.

Achieving military nuclear capability was now "mainly dependent on a political decision by Iran" to actually do so, Israeli media quoted Yadlin as telling an Israeli parliamentary committee dealing with security.

Key Hungarian opposition party: Former finance minister for premier

Key Hungarian opposition party: Former finance minister for premier

ROUNDUP: Thousands march against government in Belarus

Thousands march against government in BelarusMinsk  - Thousands marched against Belarus' authoritarian regime on Wednesday, as opposition groups held rare public gatherings throughout the former Soviet republic.

More than 4,000 demonstrators gathered in the capital Minsk, some carrying the flag of the European Union, banners proclaiming "Independence!" and the banned red-white-red flag of 1918 Belarus.

The marches came on a semi-official Belarusian holiday known as Will Day that marks the short-lived independent Belarusian republic formed in 1918, and destroyed by invading Soviet troops months later.

NEWS FEATURE: Finance crisis forces Dutch return to "old" politics

Finance crisis forces Dutch return to "old" politicsAmsterdam  - Eight years after so-called "polder model" politics was officially carried to its grave in the Netherlands, the economic crisis has revived the typically Dutch socio-political tradition of compromise and pragmatism.

Wednesday the labour unions and employee organisations deliberated on the government's proposal for measures to fight the economic crisis.
