Play staged over social prejudice about gays

Play staged over social prejudice about gaysPune, Jan. 28 : A group of people with alternative sexual orientations gave a theatre performance to draw the public attention and criticize the anti-gay laws of the country.

The musical play had been censored almost a year after it was started to campaign against the country''s anti-gay laws and prejudices existing in the general society.

Jamir Kamble, the writer and director of the play, said that the play aimed at increasing the awareness of the people on gays'' issues and rights.

"I want to tell people that homosexuality is not anything abnormal. It is not unnatural either. I say that because I have been born with such an orientation, nobody forced me to become like this. This in itself is a proof that it has come naturally to me. I want the people also to understand the same," said Kamble.

Homosexuality is banned in India under Article 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which defines it as a carnal act against the order of nature.

Artists said that the play was a protest against Article 377 and also an attempt to use theatre to help society recognize the rights of homosexuals in the country.

"We want to question the petty mindset of the people through this mail. We want to tell them that our community also exists. We want to tell them that every 11th person is a gay and people should think about us. This is a kind of protest against article 377 (of the Indian Penal Code) and we want to send this message across to everybody," said Sagar Lodhi, one of the play artists.

Some homosexual right groups have moved the court asking the government to repeal article 377 calling it against human rights. They feel that the discrimination also acts as an impediment in the fight against HIV/AIDS in India.

However, the government says Indian society is not ready to legalize homosexuality. A court judgment over the issue is pending. (ANI)
