Pervez Musharraf toeing US line to break Pakistan by 2015: A Q Khan
Rawalpindi, June 26: Disgraced Pakistani nuclear scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan has said that President Pervez Musharraf is working on the lines of the US to break Pakistan by 2015.
Criticising the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Dr. Khan said it is not an international organisation but belongs to the Americans and Jews and he is not bound to appear before the IAEA.
"Libya is lying, as Tripoli did not get anything from Islamabad. They purchased nuclear hardware from the person from whom Pakistan had purchased nuclear hardware, he said.
At that time he was told that if he did not accept the allegations, the country might be bombed.
Dr. Khan asserted that the whole nation would soon know the truth of the other side, which is spreading false stories one after another.
He added his report would not remain under wraps like the Hamoodur Rehman Commission report because he has said each and everything to his family.
The News quoted Dr. Khan as saying that the conventional weapons procured by Pakistan have no value as compared to the nuclear weapons and are being bought just to receive commissions.
He said if Benazir Bhutto was alive, she might have been eliminated because she had announced to investigate the affairs of the nuclear programme. (ANI)