Nancy Reagan

EXTRA: Nancy Reagan praises Obama reversal on stem cell research

Nancy Reagan praises Obama reversal on stem cell research Washington - Former first lady Nancy Reagan welcomed President Barack Obama's decision Monday to allow government funding of embryonic stem cell research, which scientists believe could help cure diseases such as Alzheimer's that led to her husband's death.

Nancy Reagan, who has departed from many fellow Republicans who oppose stem cell research on religious grounds, said lifting the ban on federal funding would allow scientists to "move forward" with their investigations.

Nancy Reagan hospitalized with broken pelvis

Nancy Reagan hospitalized with broken pelvis Los Angeles - Former first lady Nancy Reagan was in hospital Wednesday with a broken pelvis after a fall at her home, CNN reported, quoting a Reagan family spokesman.

Reagan, 87, suffered the fall last week after getting up in middle of the night and twisting her leg. She decided Monday to get checked out at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where doctors determined she had a fractured pelvis.