Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

Lula confirms "logistics" support for Bolivia against armed groups

Lula confirms "logistics" support for Bolivia against armed groups Brasilia  - Brazil is to provide "logistics" support to Bolivia, to dismantle armed groups in the northern province of Pando, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said Wednesday.

Lula, however, made it clear that Brazil will not be sending troops to its Andean neighbour.

"Do not even think of a Brazilian interference in Bolivia, much less troops," Lula said in an exclusive interview with state television channel TV Brasil that was set to be aired later Wednesday.

Lula: FARC must part in "democratic game" and release hostages

Lula: FARC must part in "democratic game" and release hostages

Lula confident of deal in Doha Round during July

Lula confident of deal in Doha Round during JulyRio de Janeiro - T

United South America to shake global balance of power

Brazil Prime MinisterBrasilia- Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said Friday in Brasilia that a United South America can shift the global balance of power.

"South America, united, will move the board game of power in the world, not for its own benefit, but for everyone's," Lula said.

As he opened the summit to launch the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), the region's latest integration initiative, Lula stressed that the region can contribute to overcoming the current world food crisis, as long as it is autonomous.
