John McCain

McCain-Palin focus on gut feelings rather than issues could be dangerous: Critics

John McCain, Sarah PalinNew York, Sept. 10 : The selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate has ensured a two-point lead for Republican presidential nominee for Senator John McCain over Democratic rival Barack Obama, according to a new CBS poll.

But there is another side to this story. The Republicans are seeking to project the view that this year’s presidential elections will not be about issues, but about Americans voting on the basis of gut instinct, a view Democrats and others would be shy of accepting.

Uncommitted voters likely to support McCain

John McCain, Barack ObamaNew York, Sept. 10 : A new CBS Poll has found that uncommitted voters could favor John McCain rather than Barack Obama

Although it is less than 2 months before the U. S. presidential election, many voters throughout the nation still remain undecided.

According to CBS, about a third of the voters were still uncommitted to either Obama or McCain one month ago, but now, they seem to have made up their minds, and settled on the Republican ticket than the Democratic one.

Barack Obama preferred to John McCain worldwide

Barack Obama and John McCainLondon, Sept 10: A new survey conducted in 22 countries has found that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was more preferred to his Republican rival John McCain.

Conducted by the BBC World Service, the poll found that the most common view that emerged from different countries was that Obama should win the November poll. A total of 22,500 were interviewed during the survey.

Independents flocking to McCain

John McCain Sued by Jackson Browne over Campaign AdvertisementWashington, Sept. 9 : Republican presidential nominee John McCain has got the support of independent voters whom he courted so aggressively at last week''s convention, and now holds a healthy lead over his Democratic rival Barack Obama.

A Gallup Poll to be released Tuesday shows that McCain''s backing among independent voters has jumped 12 percentage points in recent days, providing welcome news for a Republican candidate.

According to the Washington Post, McCain has somehow satisfied both independents and conservatives.

McCain’s hug with Palin leaves “room for the Holy Ghost”, say etiquette experts

New York, Sept. 9: McCain’s hug with Palin leaves “room for the Holy Ghost”, say etiquette expertsRepublican presidential nominee John McCain’s frequent hugs with his running mate Sarah Palin leaves “room for the Holy Ghost”, says a etiquette and body language expert.

According to Christopher Buckley, a novelist and longtime satirist of the ways of Washington, Palin “seems to be cognizant that she is wandering into the danger zone, with the result that as she hugs him, she leans away from him so as to insert some chaste space between them.”

McCain leads Obama for first time

Washington, Sep 9 : McCain leads Obama for first timeRepublican presidential nominee John McCain leads Democratic rival Barack Obama 46 percent to 44 percent in the latest CBS News poll, conducted three days after the completion of the parties’ nominating conventions.

The poll marks the first time that McCain, whose two-point lead is within the poll’s margin of error, has led Obama in CBS News general election polling.
