Pedigree dogs have looks but no brain
Keeping a high pedigree and good looking dog has become a style statement these days. This is quite evident when we see world celebrities like socialite Paris Hilton and pop diva Britney Spears, who are often photographed carrying "handbag dogs."
However, a new study has suggested that pedigree dogs might look extremely cute and attractive, but when it comes to brains, they are extremely stupid as now they are being bred for looks and not for brains.
The study was carried out by researchers in Sweden, led by Kenth Svartberg of the University of Stockholm, who found strong evidence that breeding dogs for appearance has led to a decline in intelligence.
If adhered to the team, "The mental and physical agility of many pedigree breeds is being eroded as owners are now looking for docile, pretty pets to live in their homes."
It was informed by the lead author Kenth Svartberg that the changes happened over the course of just a few generations. "Modern breeding practices are affecting the behaviour and mental abilities of pedigree breeds as well as their physical features," he reported.
The researchers analyzed approximately 13,000 dogs on characteristics, such as sociability and curiosity, to help them rate 31 different breeds.
It was found by the team that the dogs, which were specially bred for shows had relatively low levels of all the characteristics mentioned above. Furthermore, the dogs which though were attractive had a really boring and introvert personality.
Svartberg said, "Perhaps the genes behind attractive looks could also be closely linked to those that cause fearfulness."
Smooth collies, once a herding dog, and Rhodesian ridgebacks, which were used for hunting even dangerous game, were the worst-affected working breeds.