Online Computer Game helps Shed Weight and Reduce Food Intake
A team of researchers has come up with an interesting way for people interested in losing weight and to control their food intake. Researchers have developed an online computer game that will not only help you in shedding weight, but will also reduce your food intake.
Psychologists at the University of Exeter and Cardiff University said that the game helped participants lose an average of 0.7kg. They also consumed around 220 fewer calories per day. The researchers said that they have developed a simple online computer game that trains people to have a control on having snack foods.
In the game, people need to repeatedly avoid pressing on pictures like biscuits and to respond to other images like fruit and clothes. Through this way, the game trains people to link calorie-dense foods with 'not to have them'.
In the research, 42 adults completed 10-minute sessions four times. The researchers said that they lost significant amount of weight and consumed less calories. With the help of training, people also reduced choosing calorie- dense foods.
Study's lead researcher Natalia Lawrence said that it is first study to demonstrate that a simple and brief computerized tool can help change people's everyday eating behavior. "This opens up exciting possibilities for new behaviour change interventions based on underlying psychological processes", affirmed Lawrence.