One in two Aussies chats on the loo!

One in two Aussies chats on the loo!Melbourne, Jan 19 : Almost 48 per cent of Aussies use their cellphones while on the toilet, according to a new survey.

The survey commissioned by Microsoft across Australia, China, India, Japan and Taiwan also revealed that 30 per cent of people use their mobiles to flirt with someone other than their spouse or partner.

One in two Aussies admitted on using the mobile phone while on the toilet, compared to 66 per cent of Chinese people.

In addition, 80 per cent of people used it while eating a meal with others, 62 per cent used it while driving and 48 per cent used it while trying to sleep.

The survey also showed that Aussies were more likely go through their partner''s text messages and call list.

Even married women went through their partner's check phones than married men.

Nearly 20 pct of the Australians admitted on using a GPS to track their partner''s whereabouts, while 13 per cent said they would use their phones during "extremely intimate moments''''.

The survey also showed that 24 per cent of the men found it acceptable to propose to their partner using their mobile phone compared to 11 per cent women.

"Other than showing some of the more unconventional uses of phones, these results show how entrenched in all aspects of our lives mobile phones have become,'''' News. com. au quoted Microsoft director of mobile communications business Grace Kerrison as saying in a statement. (ANI)
