One hour of TV a day makes a Child Obese: Study
If your children love to watch television for a long time, you have to be strict on that as a new study has stated that childhood obesity is linked with children who watch television for about one hour a day or more.
During the new study, researchers found that children from kindergarteners and first-graders who used to watch television for at least 60 minutes a day could be overweight. According to the study, such children could even be obese than the children who do not spend much time watching television.
The study was conducted by Dr. Mark DeBoer of the University of Virginia and his team. While talking to Newsweek, he said, "Children watching one to two hours were heavier than those watching less than one hour, and were almost as heavy as those watching greater than two hours daily". Currently, the American Academy of Pediatrics allows a two-hour limit on daily television viewing for kids.
To conduct the study, lead author of the study, DeBoer, and his team reviewed data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey. The survey had included more than 11,100 children who were enrolled in kindergarten during 2011-2012.
During the study, the researchers collected data related to some of the lifestyle factors that can have an effect on a child's educational performance. The lifestyle factors that were included in the study also had computer usage and television habits of a child. They also measure weight and height of the children in the study.
The researchers found that body mass indexes of kids who used to watch TV for one or more hours daily was higher than the children who watched television for just an hour or less daily. According to the researchers, the children who watched TV for a long time were about 39% percent more likely to get overweight. In addition, such children were 86% more likely to become obese, as per the researchers.