Nokia, Orange set to launch “Nokia Messaging by Orange”

Nokia, Orange set to launch “Nokia Messaging by Orange” Stretching out their multi-country agreement, the leading manufacturer of mobile phones, Nokia and the global mobile network operator, Orange are set to roll out collaborative service called “Nokia (News - Alert) Messaging by Orange” on a number of Orange Signature devices, aiming to offer mobile email service to all mobile users and pros.

According to Orange, the partnership has helped and will further help to provide best services to its mobile customers, and the extension of its deal with Nokia will help strengthening its ties with Nokia; and this will open the ways for new partnerships in the future.  

Commenting on the agreement with Orange, the executive vice president, Nokia, Kai Oistamo has said, "Orange is the first operator group to announce a European-wide offering of Nokia Messaging to their customers and we are very pleased about this extension to our service collaboration. The agreement on Nokia Messaging will boost the adoption of mobile email service and makes it easy for consumers to activate the service on-device and at Point-of-Sale. We believe that mobile messaging is for everyone, not just for a certain segment of the consumer market."

With the new service, the Orange customers will be able to “aggregate and manage multiple email accounts on the same device through the Orange home screen, regardless of where they are”. The users will be offered direct access to up to 10 personal email accounts to let them read, send, forward and reply to emails, while also accessing subfolders, download and read attachments or attach files to emails.

Nokia and Orange first entered into a three year deal in February 2008, in order to provide multimedia entertainment services on mobile phones. The deal was aimed to offer the best services in music, games and maps via a number of Nokia devices. Now, the two companies have agreed to expand their services to eight more countries, and the services will be offered on up to 30 Nokia devices in the Orange Signature range in 2009. The Orange customers will be able to enjoy the full advantage of Push email with the forthcoming Nokia E75 and on a range of Nokia devices. The UK Orange customers will be the first to enjoy the service in this summer, while the customers in France and Spain will follow shortly after.

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