CDC: Children should be vaccinated against flu

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is working hard to equip Americans with tools to fight influenza. Flu takes life of 36,000 Americans each year. Authorities feel that this year they will be able to prevent flu-related deaths.

This week has been dubbed as week “National Influenza Vaccination Week.” Tuesday was celebrated as “Children’s Flu Vaccination Day.” Government is encouraging people to get themselves and their families vaccinated against influenza.

The CDC expanded the recommended age for children to get the flu vaccine to six months through 18 years. According to the national Parent Teachers Association, children, on average, miss five days of school a year due to cold and flu.

Dr. Bakari Morgan, a pediatrician with the Atlanta-based Kids Health First Pediatric Alliance, said: “Kids are at high risk because they are around hundreds of other kids and it only takes one kid to be sick and then it spreads like wildfire. The shot is a whole lot better than getting the flu.”

He added that he’s noticed an uptick in the number of kids getting flu vaccines since the CDC expanded the recommended age range.
