Computer beats TV: How young people use media today

Computer beats TV: How young people use media todayStuttgart, Germany - More German youths have a computer of their own than a television. While 71 per cent of 12 to 19-year-olds own a computer, the share of youths with their own TV came to 61 per cent, according to a 2008 "JIM Study" by the Stuttgart-based Media Pedagogy Research Association Southwest.

Half of all German youths also have their own Internet connection. The share of 12 to 19-year-olds who go online several times weekly is also much higher, 84 per cent in fact. Even so, 89 per cent of youths report watching television at least several times a week. The representative study involves 1,200 youths and has been undertaken annually since 1998. (dpa)

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