Jet Says Sorry, Takes Back All Sacked Staff

Jet Says Sorry, Takes Back All Sacked StaffThe 19,00 employees of Jet airways, who were earlier shunted from their posts, can now take a sigh of relief, as on late Thursday night, Jet Airways chairman Naresh Goyal apologized to all the 19,00 employees and asked them to resume back to work on Friday morning.

Goyal, who empathized with the agony that the employees might have undergone, said, “The management might not like my decision but sometimes there are disagreements within the family and as the head of the family, I am taking this decision.”

Goyal explained that management was forced to take the earlier decision due to poor economic conditions of the industry. He added that he didn’t even know the total number of employees who were fired from their jobs. However, he did not comment anything regarding the revision of the salaries, while it has been learnt that resumed staff would have to compromise with a pay cut.

Goyal denied to have taken the decision due to any political pressure,.He explained that the decision was taken purely on personal grounds, since he could not bear with the pain of the employees.

Further, he reported that Kingfisher had nothing to do with the sacking o the employees. He said that its alliance is altogether a separate issue. Goyal concluded, “The alliance with Kingfisher is a synergy and a separate issue. A steering group has been constituted to work out rationalization of routes and other things.”