Sri Lanka military claims bombing rebel leader hideout
Colombo - Sri Lanka's air force said Wednesday it bombed a hideout frequented by elusive Tamil rebel leader Velupillai Prabhakaran in northern Sri Lanka.
The hideout, located at Vattakachchi, 310 kilometres north-east of the capital, was bombed Wednesday morning, air force spokesman Janaka Nanayakkara said.
Residents in the area confirmed the rebels considered the area a high security zone out of bounds for civilians.
The air force spokesman said heavy traffic in enemy communication was experienced immediately after the attack, but subsequently communication had died down and silence was maintained.
In the adjoining Mullaitivu district an ammunition and arms storage of the rebels was also bombed on Wednesday morning, the military said.
There was no independent confirmation about the incidents.
Government troops have stepped up attacks against Tamil rebels in northern Sri Lanka, who are fighting for an independent state in the north and east of the island. (dpa)