Uncommitted voters likely to support McCain

John McCain, Barack ObamaNew York, Sept. 10 : A new CBS Poll has found that uncommitted voters could favor John McCain rather than Barack Obama

Although it is less than 2 months before the U. S. presidential election, many voters throughout the nation still remain undecided.

According to CBS, about a third of the voters were still uncommitted to either Obama or McCain one month ago, but now, they seem to have made up their minds, and settled on the Republican ticket than the Democratic one.

For the new poll, CBS News re-interviewed voters who said they were uncommitted in a CBS News/New York Times poll conducted in mid-August.

While nearly two in three still have not settled on a candidate, 20 percent of these previously uncommitted voters have now decided to back McCain, while 14 percent have settled on Obama.

In the August poll, uncommitted voters made up 34 percent of all registered voters.

Voters were considered uncommitted if they indicated they preferred a candidate but had not settled with certainty on that candidate, or if they were completely undecided.

Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin has been well received: 52 percent have a favorable feeling towards her, while just 18 percent view her unfavorably.

Obama running mate Joe Biden is less well known: 54 percent say they don''t know enough about him to have an opinion.

When asked directly what helped them to choose a candidate, 28 percent of these previously uncommitted voters volunteered Sarah Palin, making her the top reason. Sixteen percent volunteered the speeches at the conventions.

Thirty-nine percent of all previously uncommitted voters say they have paid a lot of attention in the last few weeks, and 46 percent have paid at least some attention.

When they were originally interviewed in August, just 21 percent of these same voters said they had been paying a lot of attention to the campaign in recent weeks.

Despite McCain''s lead among previously uncommitted voters who have made up their mind, McCain and Obama are running about even when voters who are not yet certain are included.

Forty percent of previously uncommitted voters say they support Obama, though more than half have not made a firm commitment to the Democratic nominee; 39 percent say they support McCain.

Among voters who were completely undecided in August there has been more movement towards McCain than Obama.

The perception of the candidates amongst these voters mirrors perceptions amongst the greater electorate. Obama is seen as more relatable than McCain: 72 percent of still-uncommitted voters relate to the Democratic nominee, while just 38 percent relate to his rival.

McCain is more widely seen as prepared for the presidency, with 82 percent saying the Arizona senator is ready for the job. Just 31 percent say the same of Obama. McCain is also more widely seen as likely to be an effective commander in chief. (ANI)
