Barack Obama preferred to John McCain worldwide

Barack Obama and John McCainLondon, Sept 10: A new survey conducted in 22 countries has found that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was more preferred to his Republican rival John McCain.

Conducted by the BBC World Service, the poll found that the most common view that emerged from different countries was that Obama should win the November poll. A total of 22,500 were interviewed during the survey.

An average of 46 per cent of those questioned thought that the US’ relations with the rest of the world “would improve if Obama took office”, compared to just 20 per cent for McCain, the Dawn quoted the survey findings as saying.

Those most optimistic about an Obama presidency’s impact on US’ external relations were people in America’s NATO allies - Canada, France, Germany, Britain and Italy -- as well as Australia, Nigeria and Kenya, found the survey.

“Large numbers of people around the world clearly like what Barack Obama represents. Given how negative America’s international image is at present, it is quite striking that only one in five think a McCain presidency would improve on the Bush administration’s relations with the world,” said Doug Miller, chairman of GlobeScan which conducted the poll.

The poll also suggested that there was nothing to suggest Obama’s popularity abroad would bring success at home, and he was neck and neck with McCain in US opinion polls. In Tuesday’s poll, the margin in favour of Obama ranged from just nine per cent in India to 82 per cent in Kenya, where the Democrat has family. On average, 49 per cent preferred Obama to 12 per cent in favour of McCain. (ANI)

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