Independents flocking to McCain

John McCain Sued by Jackson Browne over Campaign AdvertisementWashington, Sept. 9 : Republican presidential nominee John McCain has got the support of independent voters whom he courted so aggressively at last week''s convention, and now holds a healthy lead over his Democratic rival Barack Obama.

A Gallup Poll to be released Tuesday shows that McCain''s backing among independent voters has jumped 12 percentage points in recent days, providing welcome news for a Republican candidate.

According to the Washington Post, McCain has somehow satisfied both independents and conservatives.

"Clearly, he is moving on the independents," Gallup Poll editor-in-chief Frank Newport said of the new survey that helps explain how McCain of Arizona gained ground.

The poll shows support for McCain among independents spiked from 40 percent to 52 percent, his largest share of the independent vote since Gallup began tracking the race.

McCain also gained five points among Democrats, from 9 percent to 14 percent.

McCain took a 49 percent to 44 percent lead Monday in the Gallup Daily Tracking Poll of registered voters, a six-point bounce for him.

The latest Zogby International survey showed the McCain ticket ahead 49.7 percent to 45.9 percent, although the poll more frequently puts McCain in the lead than most other surveys. Other polls, including surveys by CNN and CBS News, showed the race dead even. (ANI)
