Caffeine consumption during pregnancy can put life of unborn child in danger

A new study has claimed that a woman has more risk of miscarriage in case she and her partner consume over two caffeinated drinks regularly during the weeks prior to getting pregnant. The study has been published online in journal Fertility and Sterility

It has also reported that the ones who consumed over two caffeinated beverages every day in the initial 49 days of pregnancy also highly vulnerable to miscarry.

The research team from the National Health Institutes of Health and Ohio State University, Columbus examined the lifestyle habits of 344 couples. They noted down their habits like use of cigarette, caffeine intake and multivitamin consumption. The researchers kept a track of the participants, weeks prior to they had conceived to till seven months into the pregnancy.

Study author Germaine Buck Louis said that the findings have given beneficial information for couples who are willing to conceive and won’t take a single chance that might make them vulnerable to pregnancy loss.

During the study, 28%, or 98 of the pregnancies were miscarried, and the researchers noted that caffeinated beverage intake was linked to a hazard ratio of 1.74 raised miscarriage risk for females and for males 1.73 increased risk.

Buck Louis added, “Our findings also indicate that the male partner matters, too. Male preconception consumption of caffeinated beverages was just as strongly associated with pregnancy loss as females”.

The females aged above 35 years had a 1.96 more chance of experiencing miscarriages, which was nearly double the risk of younger women.

But, the team detected that the women who ate multivitamins daily had less chances to miscarry as compared to those who didn’t. In the weeks prior to conception, regular multivitamin consumption led to a 55% decreased miscarriage risk.