Trans Fat not to be Allowed in US Food Supply from June 2018

This week, US regulators have announced a ban on partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), or trans fats. It is a key ingredient used in many confectionaries.

The ban will be effective from 2018. On Tuesday, the US Food and Drug Administration has announced that trans fat will not be allowed in the US food supply starting from June 2018. As per the US regulators, the change will save a number of lives.

Generally, PHOs are not considered safe, as it is said that they can have a role in heart disease. As per the FDA officials, even every small quantities of trans fat can prove quite dangerous. They have made it clear that they will not permit its use without an exemption.

Main work of the trans fat in food to keep it solid in high temperatures. It is used to provide textures to icings and other foods and also to have different flavors needed in fried foods. They also increase shelf life of baked foods.

The FDA has carried out a research and after conducting it, it announced of banning the dangerous ingredient that carries no health benefit. From 2006, food manufacturers were instructed to put trans fat information on nutrition labels. The move led to reducing US trans fat consumption by around 80%.

Jarosch from Jarosch Bakery said that they will have to ask his suppliers for shortenings made with different oils before the ban gets active. He does not think that customers will like the change.

Jarosch said that the change will impact the taste and texture. Some food manufacturers, including ConAgra Foods and ConAgra Foods have affirmed that trans fat is being used for more than 50 years. But they have accepted the FDA's announcement.