Wisconsin Assembly votes to repeal state’s 48-hour waiting period to Purchase handgun

On Tuesday, Wisconsin approved a bill as per which the state’s 48-hour waiting period norm for handgun purchases will be eliminated.

It is expected that the bill will be signed into law by governor. People will be able to have a handgun immediately after making the purchase.

But minority Democrats are not in the favor of the bill. They have even carried out rally against the bill. They warned that people caught in fights, fit of rage or depression can use weapons to kill people.

On the other hand, Republicans said the waiting period causes trouble for law-abiding citizens, background checks can be done in hours and women can also have guns for their safety.

The bill's chief Assembly sponsor, Rep. Romaine Quinn, R-Rice Lake, said, “You still have to pass the background check. You can't be a criminal. This allows law-abiding citizens to take a gun home the same day. We can't tell law-abiding citizens they can't do that”.

As per the Legislative Fiscal Bureau, Wisconsin’s 48-hour period is in effect since 1976. Now also, 10 states and the District of Columbia have laws requiring some form of waiting period for buying handguns.

Lengthy waiting time was because background checks and other formalities were done through digging file cards by hands. However, now such is not the case as the state Department of Justice performs background checks using modern computing technology.

The National Rifle Association, the Milwaukee police union and the Wisconsin Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs & Educators Inc are in support of the bill.