No Hiatus came in Global Warming: US Government Research
A new US government research has come up with a new twist in highly-concerning topic, global warming. As per them, global warming has not undergone any hiatus in the last 15 years.
Researchers from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Climatic Data Center have carried out the study. As per them, global warming rate is actually on rise than reported two ago in the most recent IPCC report.
In the new study, the temperature records have been reassessed, so that the researchers can account for changing methods of measuring the global surface temperature over the last century. The researchers said that not many adjustments were made to the data. But the flat in the graph this century was removed that led scientists think that a slowdown has come in rise of global temperatures.
Dr Gavin Schmidt, a climatologist and the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, was of the view, “The fact that such small changes to the analysis make the difference between a hiatus or not merely underlines how fragile a concept it was in the first place”.
The rate of warming over the last 15 years was almost the same. In fact, it was little higher than the past five decades. The new study’s data incorporates more extensive and improved surface air temperature observations taken at thousands of weather observing stations over land. For ocean surface temperature, there have been new observations from commercial ships.