Ann Kirkpatrick Announces Her Bid for Senate Seat

John McCain's Stance might experience tumult as the Senate Seat has another claimant with the three-term US Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick announcing her plans to run for the senate in 2016.

A survey revealed the tough fight that Kirkpatrick's arrival on the Senate scene would ensue as McCain gathered the support of 42% of those surveyed while Kirkpatrick had the support of 36%.

The Democrats are hoping for a bigger turnout in 2016 senate bid than in 2014 as Kirkpatrick strives earnestly to translate her narrow win in her rural district in 2014 against Republican Andy Tobin into statewide support against 78-year-old senator McCain.

This 'high-heeled Washington liberal' cautiously stated in a video campaign," I respect John McCain's service to our nation. I hear from Arizona voters who are ready for a choice in the next election". Kirkpatrick added, "I've seen Arizona go through too many boom-and-bust cycles, and my vision is a strong, diverse, stable economy".

Kirkpatrick marketing campaign named 'Putting Arizona First', lists the efforts that Kirkpatrick has undertaken to enhance the well being of her countrymen including her attempt to enhance schooling, defend farms and ranches, her care for veterans, endeavors for Social Security and Medicare and even her act of paying down the nationwide debt.

Kirkpatrick has a support of about 37% electorate in her congressional district compared with less than 30% for Republicans. But on the other hand, Democrats form only 28.5% of statewide registered voters while the Republicans are represented by 34.2% voters.

However, the National Republican Senatorial Committee charged Kirkpatrick to be a mere rubber-stamp for President Obama's agenda. Some Republicans have also accused Kirkpatrick of a conservative approach and have expressed unhappiness with her stand on immigration reform and other issues.

Nonetheless, Kirkpatrick should gear up for a toughest test as McCain has a fundraising edge of $3.6 million cash versus less than $300,000 in Kirkpatrick's House re-election account!