People May Go to Bed with about 10 Million Dust Mites
A hygiene expert said that people might be going to bed with about 10 million dust mites. There is a possibility that these tiny creatures might be living in mattresses, duvets and pillows.
The experts said that they can also make people ill and increase risk of suffering from cold as well as a range of allergies. Flu and food poisoning might be because of some nasty bed-fellows. Dr Lisa Ackerley, a home hygiene expert, explained the problem as 'sick bed syndrome'.
"Humans shed half an ounce of skin a week and a lot of that will be in the bed. Dust mites like warm moist environments, the bed's the perfect environment. They reproduce so there will be about 10 million per bed", said Ackerley.
According to the experts, frequently people are away during the day so they close windows and the moisture stays in the house. Houses are more insulated and no drafts are there so there can be a buildup of humidity. Ackerley said that about 10% of the weight of a pillow might be composed of dust mites and their droppings in a matter of just two years.
The dust mites are safe but it produces the faeces that can cause humans to suffer allergic reactions. They can also cause rhinitis, a cough, dry eyes and sleep also gets disturbed. According to the experts, it has been estimated that dust mites might be reason of up to 80% of people with asthma.
The experts said that Norovirus can be carried with no symptoms. People with food poisoning might be excreting salmonella into the bed. To deal with problem it is recommended that people should change and clean bed linen on a weekly basis and wash it separately from other clothing in order to kill bacteria and dust mites. A laundry disinfectant should be added to the washing machine.