Author of a California Vaccine Bill confident of Reviving the Measure

State Senator Richard Pan proposed to levy a cap on the number of schoolchildren who should be exempted from being vaccinated is quite positive that his bill will move further.

The changes he has made include allowing families to opt out of vaccines to home-school their children and also, allowing students to seek independent study. Last week, the bill was delayed because members of the Senate Education Committee were concerned that the bill would prevent unvaccinated children from receiving proper education.

On Wednesday, the committee will vote. Due to the bill, a lot many debates have started. In fact, many opponents have gathered at the Capitol. But the bill has all the support from medical, education and public health groups.

The bill was introduced in the wake of a measles outbreak that started at Disneyland and sickened 147 people in 2014. As mentioned above, the bill was pulled last week amid opposition from religious groups and parents who also feared about the side effects from vaccines.

“These diseases not only paralyzed our country with fear, there are many people living amongst us who still bear the ravages of these diseases”, said state Senator Richard Pan, a Democrat from Sacramento.

The bill would bring an end to the personal beliefs exemption in California’s vaccination law. As per this law, parents can opt out if they have religious or other opposition to vaccination. The parents can also opt out if doctor recommends that child should not be vaccinated for medical reasons.

Children need to have vaccinations before they enter school. It has been found that in the last, opposition from parents, many of them belonging to affluent class and well educated have been able to dump such similar bills introduced in the wake of the Disney outbreak.