Episodes of Drinking in Movies Increase Chances for Teenagers to Drink

A novel study suggests that watching alcohol consumption in movie can have an impact on teenagers. If teens see actors drink alcohol in movies, there is an increased likelihood that they will also start drinking at an early age and face alcohol-related problems.

Study's author Andrea Waylen, a senior lecturer in social sciences at the University of Bristol in England, said the study findings go with a growing set of evidence that teens are more likely to involve in negative things that they see on televisions and films.

It shall, however, be noted that the study has just said that watching films with alcohol can make teens drink is a possible factor and has not proved the same.

Dr. Victor Strasburger from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine has affirmed that teenagers who are more likely to drink or are already drinking may have more chances to see films with drinking shown in them.

But then also the researchers of the new study have found that seeing episodes of drinking in the movies could be the topmost reason for teenagers to start drinking and smoking. In the latest research, the scientists have surveyed more than 5,000 English teenagers, aged 15.

The researchers wanted to know which of 50 movies they have seen. The 50 films were randomly selected and it was observed for how long each movie has shown alcohol scenes. The teens were categorized as per the time duration for which they have seen alcohol-related scenes.

The volunteers also answered questions about their drinking and how often they do that. The researchers found that 86% of the teens have tried alcohol. Almost half of them had been into binge drinking and just above 40% said they have had an alcohol-related problem.

After adjusting certain factors, it was found that teens who were exposed to the most drinking scenes in movies were 20% more likely to have tried alcohol than teens who had the least exposure.