Jewish leader calls for boycott of the movie “The Love Guru” movie

Washington, May 6 : A prominent Jewish Rabbi has called for boycott of upcoming movie “The Love Guru” because it “lampoons Hinduism, mocks Ashram life and Hindu philosophy” and asking “who laughs at religious practices”.

Rabbi Elizabeth W. Beyer of Nevada, in a statement, said, “ ‘The Love Guru’ lampoons Hinduism, mocks Ashram life and Hindu philosophy. While ‘Guru Pitka’ states that he endorses no particular religion, the movie clearly portrays him as a guru - religious leader of Hindus.”

It is unfortunate that the comedy jabs at a culture of which many Americans are not familiar. It leaves viewers with a distorted, sexually flagrant parody…In the case of this movie, we owe it to our Hindu friends to speak out against this misleading sham. Gross distortions of another culture do not lead to improved relations, tolerance and understanding. They lead towards disrespect. Please join me in a boycott of this movie,” he added.

Various organizations and leaders have been coming out expressing concern about the possibility of this film hurting the sentiments of Hindus worldwide and urging filmmakers to be more responsible when handling faith related subjects.

Indian American religious leader Rajan Zed has been saying that from the information available about the movie, it appears to be lampooning Hinduism and Hindus and using Hindu terms frivolously.

Hindu groups are contacting film distributors associations, exhibitors groups, theatre owners, etc., in various parts of the world urging them not to distribute/screen upcoming movie “The Love Guru” till Paramount Pictures makes necessary changes to it.

“The Love Guru”; a comedy starring Mike Myers (of Austin Powers fame, who is also the co-writer and co-producer), Jessica Alba, Justin Timberlake, Ben Kingsley; and directed by Marco Schnabel; is set to release on June 20 next.

In it Myers, an American, raised in an ashram in India, moves back to US as Guru Pitka to seek fame and fortune in the world of self-help and spirituality.

Hinduism, oldest and third largest religion of the world, has about one billion followers. Moksha (liberation) is the ultimate goal of Hinduism.

Paramount Pictures Corporation is a global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment. (ANI)
