Men more Vulnerable to Failing Memory than Women

A new study has found that men are more vulnerable to failing memory than women. The study also unveiled that almost everyone will face memory loss as they age.

With age, people’s memory skill and brain volume declines. The study researchers affirmed that it might be surprising that the deterioration has little to do with the accumulation of brain plaques that indicates about Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers with the study have challenged the existing view on the aging brain. It is said that when elderly start having memory lapses, it is considered to be an early sign of Alzheimer's disease. It is speculated that the problem is likely related to abnormal clumps of protein called beta-amyloid, which gets accumulated in the brain.

Study’s lead researcher Dr. Clifford Jack from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester said that they would like to differ from the prevailing explanation. “But our findings suggest that memory actually declines in almost everybody, and well before there is any amyloid deposition in the brain”, affirmed Jack.

Jack said he is not denying that beta-amyloid deposits are the basic indication of Alzheimer's disease. But as per them, the plaques do not initiate the disease process.

As per the researchers, aging has a great impact on memory and it is independent of amyloid. Jack said their research suggests that amyloid pathology enters later in life and increases the pre-existing decline in memory.

Good news is that the memory decline that people often experience as they age is not an indicator of underlying Alzheimer's pathology. Other researchers have termed the findings to be very important.

Dr. Charles DeCarli, a professor of neurology at the University of California, Davis, said that the study findings make one thing very clear that memory and brain volume declines years before amyloid is present.