West Nile virus detected in mosquito in Schuylkill County
Health experts have detected the West Nile virus in a mosquito in locations in the Schuylkill County, according to the West Nile virus website of the state.
Amanda Witman, spokeswoman with the state Department of Environmental Protection has said that the experts will begin extra surveillance in the area on Monday. The authorities will also take additional control efforts until the results of the survey are prepared.
She also said that if the department decides to implement additional adult control, it will inform the people on its website. According to the data, no human infection of the virus has been recorded this year. The state data showed that 31 counties have had mosquitoes test positive for the virus.
The West Nile virus causes flu-like symptoms and many also cause encephalitis. The last case of West Nile virus was detected in 2003 in the Schuylkill County. This year the virus has been detected in mosquitoes in Landingville and Tamaqua boroughs as well as in the Pine Grove, West Mahanoy and Tremont townships.
The data from the Centers For Disease Control shows that there were 712 cases confirmed in 2011 in the country.