Pension reforms negotiations could resume following GP strike
The negotiations over the proposed reforms to the pension plans for the Doctors in the UK could reopen following the strike staged by the doctors across the country.
The British Medical Association (BMA, which is the industry body representing doctors in the UK, have said it is ready to resume negotiations with the government on the matter. Dr Hamish Meldrum, chairman of council at the BMA claimed that the strong message has been sent to the leaders that the doctors want a better deal on pensions.
According to reports, about a fifth of all GP practices were affected due to the industrial action on Thursday. Due to the industrial action, about 2,703 operations were postponed and 18,717 outpatient appointments were rescheduled, according to the figures released by the strategic health authorities in England.
The doctors had decided not to provide non-essential service to the patients across the UK during the srike. The British Medical Association said that the decision to take industrial action, which is the first in almost 40 years, was not taken lightly. A majority of doctors had voted in favor of action in a BMA conducted poll over pension changes.
The doctors had ruled out a strike but said that they would only treat the most seriously ill patients over a given 24-hour period. The BMA had said that the it agrees that the action wil be disruptive but the doctors will ensure public safety.