Three-person fertility treatment is ethical, report
According to a new report, a new fertility treatment that relies on embryos from two women and one man is ethical.
The treatment uses the embryos from three persons in order to avoid life-threatening disorders. The children born from the "three-person IVF" could have some genetic material each of the three persons.
The UK's Nuffield Council on Bioethics has said that the new technique would be helpful in saving children from "very severe and debilitating disorders".
Some claim that the technique is unnecessary and dangerous. The technique is aimed at replace faulty mitochondri, which provide power to the body. They come with genetic material, known as mitochondrial DNA and this DNa can sometimes become mutated and defective.
About 6,500 children in the UK are born with "mitochondrial disorder" that cause muscle weakness, blindness and heart failure. "Three-person IVF" takes the core genetic information from mother and father and puts it into a donor egg that contains healthy mitochondria.
Prof Peter Braude, from Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust said: "The net effect is an embryo that carries the true parents characteristics in a clean egg with healthy mitochondria."