Tuberculosis Named ‘Notifiable Illness’

Tuberculosis Named ‘Notifiable Illness’After the surprising victory in Polio annihilation, the administration
appears to have set its vision on Tuberculosis (TB) as it has been
adjudged a ‘notifiable’ illness.

Implying: from now onward, any medical institution/hospital,
administrative or private, which finds a new TB patient, will have to
notify the administration regarding the case and the type of cure given.

The notice has been forwarded to all states on Monday.

As per the notice, to make sure appropriate monitoring, reduce TB
transmission and choke the cases of drug resistant TB, the assigned
agency, which would have to be informed regarding novel TB cases are
the district health officer/CMO of a region and the municipal health
officer in a municipality.

The decision is vital, with the number of people with drug-resistant TB growing day by day.

As per the facts obtainable with the National TB Control Programme, the
illness takes life of two individuals every three minutes in the nation
and the daily toll appends up to around 1,000.

Multi-drug resistant Tuberculosis (TB) has turned a threat in India.
Each year, India reports 15 lakh new cases of this deadly disease.

According to the figures given by World Health Organization (WHO),
about 73,000 of the notified novel TB cases in the year 2010 were
already multi-drug resistant.

Out of these, less than 3,000 were identified.