Adani succeeds bid to grow mine coal from Chendipada
Adani Enterprises has been preferred as Mine Developer and Operator (MDO) for growth and process of the Chendipada coal block, during global competitive request. The block has a yearly, mining ability of 40 million tons per annum (MTPA).
Adani will take on expansion and process of the coal block that comprises of land acquisition, coal mining, setting up of coal washery, R&R, preparation of mine plan, approvals and clearances, set up railway siding and deliver washed coal to end user at the elected power stations in Chhattisgarh, UP, and Maharashtra.
Adani is in addition necessitate to setup a power production project of approximately 2000 MW volume for profitably making use of the coal washery discards in joint venture with UCM with Adani grasping 89% bet and UCM holding 11% bet.
The company did this declaration today in the trading hours, 28 October 2010.
Adani Enterprises expressed on Thursday that it has got an direction to build up a coal block in Orissa with yearly mining aptitude of 40 million tons.