Limited Intake Of Dark Chocolate May Improve Your Physical Condition

DARK_CHOCOLATELondon: According to the British researchers, daily consumption of dark chocolate in limit, may improve physical condition by lessening blood pressure and meliorating brain function.

Dark chocolate contains higher levels of polyphenols, an antioxidant chemical, which has been linked with health advatages, for example a reduction in blood pressure.

It also looks good to amend serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin plays a vital role in the regulation of anger, aggressiveness, blood heat, temper, sleep, vomiting, and appetite in the central nervous system (CNS).

Scientists followed up an examination of 10 patients who got a daily dosage of 45 grams of dark chocolate or white chocolate colored to resemble dark chocolate for two months. The patients then had a month off before taking the other type of chocolate for two months.

The researchers said that patients having dark chocolate reported importantly less chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a form of lengthy and harsh weariness or exhaustion, which is not alleviated by taking rest and is not directly caused by other situations. It is mainly characterised by deep muscle fatigue after exercising.

To be diagnosed with this situation, one’s fatigue must be severe enough to reduce his/her capacity to take part in normal actions by 50 per cent.

Those getting dark chocolate reported considerably less exhaustion and reported feeling more weariness when they stopped taking it.

Even though more investigation was required to verify the results, the scientists stated that patients would not do themselves any harm by consuming small quantities of dark chocolate and nobody in the analysis put on any weight.
