Breastfeeding may raise asthma, eczema risk in kids with allergy-ridden mums

Melbourne, Oct 1 : A new study has revealed that mums with allergies, who regularly breastfeed their infants, are likely to increase their babies’ chances of developing asthma or eczema later in life.

Though studies have shown that breast-feeding protects babies form allergies at later stage, the new study found it offered no protection from skin reactions among children without a family history of allergies.

Study leader Melanie Matheson, from Melbourne University, and colleagues studied data of more than 8500 people in the Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study.

Babies breastfed in the first three months had a lesser risk of developing asthma or food allergies by age seven.

However, the risk overturned as the kids grew up and when they were 14, 32 and 44 they had increased risk of having asthma, food allergies or hay fever.

The authors have insisted that they are not against breastfeeding but said that women should resort to effective strategies, like having a carpet-free home, the reports.

The study is published in the current issue of US Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. (With inputs from ANI)
