Sony OLED ultra –flexible and thinner than a strand of hair

Sony-OLEDOne of the best advantages of OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) is that it can prove to be flexible and this is just proven by Sony's ultra flexible, screen.

This screen is so thin that it can be wrapped around a pencil. This surpasses its earlier version i. e., 2007's the 0.3mm prototype model of Sony which was just 80? m-thick.

The thinness can be measured in terms of the thickness of the blood which is supposedly about ten times the size of a red blood cell, or may be just a bit thinner than a single strand of hair.

The OLED is 4.1-inches in size, and features a 432 x 240 resolution with a contrast ratio of under 1,000:1. It is termed to be a out of world experience with this device that offers a smooth streaming of video while being rolled up around a cylinder with a 4mm radius and at the same time be stretched also.

Meanwhile Sony retains its tag for being 'innovative'.