Bail request in militia case mulled by Judge

Bail request in militia case mulled by JudgeAccording to media reports, a federal judge in Detroit is expected to rule soon on a bail request for nine members of a Michigan militia suspected of plotting to kill police and wage war.

Prosecutors oppose the request by attorneys for the nine Hutaree militia members that they be released on bail, contending they would present a danger if freed pending trial.

Newly released records show the militia members were recorded Feb. 20 discussing setting police officers' homes on fire or shooting them. But defense attorneys told U. S. District Judge Victoria A. Roberts the conversations weren't serious and their clients never carried out the alleged plans, the Detroit News reported on Thursday.

Led by David Stone Sr. of Clayton, the nine defendants are charged with seditious conspiracy and attempted use of weapons of mass destruction.

Prosecutors countered that Stone and the others accumulated weapons and ammunition, trained, sought information on building bombs and discussed moving forward with their plot.

Stone said on the tape, "I think we gotta just start huntin' 'em here pretty soon. They're easy to find, they're just sittin' alongside the road, and they got these red and blue lights on top of their car. They're not hard to find!" (With Inputs from Agencies)