Sunanda Pushkar to surrender stake in Kochi IPL team
The latest development in the IPL drama points that Sunanda Pushkar will surrender her stake in the controversial Kochi IPL team. According to a news-channel report, Pushkar is under pressure of the high class drama that has been going on these days and might be soon asked to surrender the stake.
If she will surrender her stake, it will provide a huge let off to the external affaires minister Shashi Tharoor.
Earlier Tharoor was alleged of misusing his authority at the auction of the Kochi IPL team. There were serious allegations against Shashi Tharoor to have reported to help his friend Sunanda get free equity worth 70 crores in the Kochi IPL franchise. The channel has informed that Tharoor had lobbied for
Sunanda's stake to be raised even higher at the time of auction.
However, as per Congress sources, Tharoor’s quit would have been a better way to resolve the issue. Meanwhile, Tharoor had a discussion with the Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh to brief the entire issue. But at last the Congress Core Committee meeting on Sunday evening will decide Throor’s fate.