We think of good memories when we look vertically upwards, suggests a new study
It has been advised by Dutch researchers that one should remember a good time by looking at the sky.
Daniel Casasanto and Katinka Dijkstra of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, linked emotion and how humans experience vertical space to how humans
think of memories.
It was reported that students were asked to move glass marbles upward or downward into cardboard boxes with both hands simultaneously in time to a metronome, while recounting autobiographical memories that were either positive or negative -- "Tell me about a time when you felt proud of yourself," or "Tell me about a time when you felt ashamed of yourself."
While study participants recounted positive memories faster during upward movements, they told negative memories faster during downward movements.
Casasanto said in a statement, "These data suggest that spatial metaphors for emotion aren't just in language. Linguistic metaphors correspond to mental metaphors, and activating the mental metaphor 'good is up' can cause us to think happier thoughts." (With Inputs from Agencies)