UK government’s move towards technology and innovation centres

Lord-MandelsonIn a move to aid in technical implications and innovation in the nation the government at UK has ordered for an exclusive group of Technology and Innovation centres across the country.

These exclusive centres aim in giving a boost to the current technology and methods in order to aid Britain, commercialize its academic research and make it available for use to the people.

It was a move which was proclaimed by the technology entrepreneur Hermann Hauser in front of the UK Business Secretary Lord Mandelson listing out the benefits and sited examples of nations who have already put into use this 'technique'.

In reply to the proposed plan Lord Mandelson said that if the labour government is re-elected then this scheme will be materialised in effect as soon as possible. Also Hauser suggested that innovation centres should be named after electromagnetic theory James Clerk Maxwell, similar to Germans who did the same with their centres naming them after 19th century scientist Joseph von Fraunhofer.