Survey Report: Americans Are The Laziest People In The World

Survey Report: Americans Are The Laziest People In The WorldA new survey has disclosed that Americans are the laziest people in the world.

The Daily Beast review considered daily calorie intake, TV watching routines, proportion of the population, which plays sports and Internet usage.

Out of those 4 classes, the US was first in calories and watching the most TV - enough for the top spot.

The Canada residents came on the second spot after topping the planet in Internet usage.

Belgium, a country famous for its waffles, beer and pomme frittes, landed the third place while Turkey stood fourth.

The last in the study was Switzerland since its people spend the least amount of time watching TV of all the 24 nations on the list.

The top five laziest nations comprise:

1. US
2. Canada
3. Belgium
4. Turkey
5. Great Britain (With Input from Agencies)