Kids with diabetic episodes may have memory problems

Kids with diabetic episodes may have memory problemsWashington, Oct 20 : A new study has revealed that children who have had an episode of diabetic ketoacidosis, a common complication of diabetes, are likely to suffer from memory problems.

Researchers from the UC Davis Centre for Mind and Brain have found that children with a history of diabetic ketoacidosis perform worse on memory tests.

According to Simona Ghetti, associate professor at the UC Davis Department of Psychology and the Centre for Mind and Brain, diabetic ketoacidosis - and its consequences - can be avoided with proper glucose control.

"These results underscore the importance of maintaining control of known diabetes and prompt diagnosis of new cases should diabetic ketoacidosis symptoms arise," Ghetti said.

During the study, researchers analysed 33 children with type 1 diabetes and a history of diabetic ketoacidosis, and 29 diabetic children with no history of such an episode.

They compared the children''s ability to recall events and associations, as measured by simple tests.

The findings revealed that those with ketoacidosis performed significantly worse on the memory tests than children without it.

Ghetti added the results back up anecdotal accounts from parents, who complain of slight but consistent memory deficits in their children with type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes that are not captured by IQ measures or other typical assessments, such as school grades. (ANI)