Key policies of the five German political parties

Key policies of the five German political partiesBerlin  - Key points of the election programmes of Germany's mainstream political parties:

CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS (CDU) Lowering marginal income tax rate from 14 to 12 per cent Raising tax allowance for families with children Legal right for kindergarten place by 2013 More funds for education, more autonomy for universities 40 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2020 Extending lifespan of nuclear reactors currently in operation

SOCIAL DEMOCRATS (SPD) Lowering marginal income tax rate to 10 per cent Across-the-board minimum wage of 7.50 euros (10.80 dollars) Compensation for nursing care of relatives No university tuition fees, student grants from 11th grade Phaseing out nuclear energy; more coal, gas-fuelled plants

FREE DEMOCRATS (FDP) Three-band tax system starting with marginal rate of 10 per cent No employment protection in firms with less than 20 employees Free child care for first 12 months Privatization of the health system Lower VAT on energy

THE LEFT PARTY Increasing top tax bracket from 42 to 53 per cent Minimum wage of 10 euros Introduction of tax on wealth and stock market dealings Comprehensive schooling up to 10th grade Speed limit on motorways German troop withdrawal from Afghanistan

THE GREENS Raising top tax bracket to 45 per cent Increased inheritance tax State-financed guaranteed pension Creation of 500,000 new places at universities Climate protection written into constitution. (dpa)