Chidambaram briefs Hillary on Pakistan''s inaction against 26/11 perpetrators
Washington, Sep 11: Home Minister P. Chidambaram met US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington to brief her about Pakistan''s inaction against perpetrators of Mumbai terror attacks
Chidambaram, who wraps up his four-day visit to the United States today, told Clinton that Pakistan simply has not taken any action against the perpetrators of 26/11, and mastermind Hafiz Saeed.
Chidambaram has also told US officials that infiltration from Pakistan has increased since May this year.
Drawing disparity between India and Pakistan''s approach to the investigations, he said, "I think the US understands the difference between the way India has approached the post 26/11 situation and the way Pakistan has approached the post 26/11 situation. I think it is enough to draw attention to the difference and leave it there."
"India and US would take their relationship to a next level, where they will work together on a host of other issues, apart from Pakistan," Chidambaram told reporters here.
"The next level does not mean leaning on Pakistan. The next level means means, working together on security related matters," he added.
On the resumption of talks between India and Pakistan, Chidambaram said, "I think India''s position has been made clear by the Prime Minister in parliament and there is no need for me to add anything to it or clarify.
Commenting on the second question about level of intelligence sharing, he said: it has been pretty good. Even today, when there is actionable intelligence, which is, shared by US agencies with Indian agencies. ... We share any intelligence that we have vis-à-vis the United States this will continue."
Besides getting an in-depth understanding of the functioning of the National Counter-Terrorism Centre (NCTC), Chidambaram also took a look at the functioning of the New York Police Department.
Impressed with the NCTC, he said he would like to set up a similar kind of an operation. Speaking out on the Gujarat affidavit controversy, the Home Minister said there was nothing wrong with it.
He said it was only meant to be an intelligence input, not conclusive proof of guilt, much less a reason for killing anyone in cold blood.
The home ministry''s affidavit does not weaken the Congress Government''s attack on the Government of Gujarat in the Ishrat case, he said.
"What is wrong with the affidavit? To the best of my knowledge the affidavit says that intelligence inputs were shared with the Gujarat government. That affidavit must be read in context. You cannot read into it what it does not say. I think it is self-evident that intelligence inputs are not evidence, much less conclusive proof," he added. (ANI)