Seek medical help if labour pains come early

Seek medical help if labour pains come earlyMunich  - Pregnant women who have labour pains ahead of their due date should contact their doctor or midwife immediately because it could signal a premature birth even in the absence of pain or bleeding, according to Germany's professional association for gynaecologists.

Pregnant women also should seek medical assistance if even just a small amount of amniotic fluid is released, leaving her tummy hard, like a ball. A quick examination can determine the risk of premature birth.

Early labour pains often are a false alarm, the association said. They can also indicate the mother-to-be should take it easy, begin bed rest or check into a clinic in order to avoid a premature birth.

Forty per cent of premature births are caused by a vaginal infection. Other causes include insufficient nutrients in the womb, a disrupted placenta or a multiple pregnancy. Nicotine, alcohol, stress and anxiety can also be possible causes.

In order to prevent a premature birth, pregnant women should steer clear of alcohol, even in small amounts, smoking and drugs, the association recommended. Eating a healthy diet, regular periods of rest and sufficient sleep are as important as appropriate activity. Shift work, any activity that is a physical strain and standing for more than three hours should be avoided. (dpa)