Computer and internet briefs
Washington - Ever try to delete a file and Windows tells you that you cannot because the file is in use? To solve this problem, you can close the application that's using the file and then delete it. If that doesn't work, rebooting your PC can sometimes help. You can avoid rebooting, however, by using the free application called Unlocker (, which forces any application that's using the file to release it.
Washington (dpa) - If you're not using Internet Explorer 8's tabbed interface, you're missing out on one of the browser's main productivity enhancements. It's easy to open a new tab: Just hold down the Ctrl key and tap the letter T on your keyboard. You can configure what you see in the new tab by opening the Tools menu and selecting Internet Options. From the Internet Option's General tab, click the Settings button under the Tabs section. From there, you can determine what is displayed when you launch a new tab.
Washington (dpa) - Need access to your instant messenger on someone else's computer? Rather than installing the instant messaging program, start up a web browser and go to (, where you can get instant access to Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, MSN, and even Myspace through a single interface. There's no need to sign up with Meebo. Simply log in to the instant messenger of choice using your standard login credentials. All chats occur within the web browser.
Washington (dpa) - Be careful when moving your laptop from a cold to a warm environment, and vice versa. Give your system some time to acclimate to the new temperature. Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation to build up quickly, which in turn can damage the internal components of your PC.
Washington (dpa) - Not sure whether blogging is for you? You can find out in a few clicks at (, owned by Google. This easy-to-use blogging service allows you to create a blog on just about any subject, and a number of "themes" allow you to customise the look of the blog. You can even host ads on your blog if you'd like to try to make a little money from the effort. (dpa)