Impartial inquiry sought into war crimes against Lankan Tamils
Chennai, Aug 28 : An NGO in Chenai has demanded impartial international inquiry into war crimes against Tamils in Sri Lanka.
The activists of “WE” held a press meet in Chennai city on Friday, condemning violent attacks on Tamils by Sri Lankan security forces. The NGO works for the uplift of the Tamils in the region.
The latest controversial video that is being shown on news channels and is posted on the website, shows inhuman behaviour by Sri Lanakan armed forces towards Tamils. Several young naked Tamils are brutally tortured and killed in an unabashed manner.
This has agonised and worried Tamil activists in the state.
“Very credible reports are coming that young able bodied Tamil men are separated from others they are tortured and many of them are killed. So I think what we demand is that International impartial inquiry into war crimes committed by both the parties,” said Jagath Casper, activist and member of the WE.
“Secondly, dismantling of the illegal detention centres immediately for which I think India''s foreign policy should become more stronger , affirmative and also proactive,” said Casper.
The organisation has further asked the state government and union government to help Tamils in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankan Tamils have historical and cultural links with about 60 million Tamils in southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu and their fate has political repercussions in India.
The Sri Lankan government declared victory over LTTE in May, ending one of Asia''s longest conflicts.
Sri Lanka has pledged to resettle the bulk of the displaced within six months -- a tall order given the thousands of landmines that have to be cleared across former Tiger territory. (ANI)