CBSE to make Class X boards optional in 2010-11

CBSE to make Class X boards optional in 2010-11New Delhi, Aug. 27 : The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is likely to announce on Friday that from the coming academic year (2010-11), Class X board exams will become optional in all CBSE-run schools.

The board will make a formal announcement once the blueprint of the new system to replace the board exams is frozen.

CBSE sources said board chairman Vineet Joshi would hold the last presentation and consultation session in Madhya Pradesh on Thursday on the changes being brought about before the draft is finalized and made public.

The CBSE has reportedly prepared the format of an aptitude exam that schools can use to test Class X students on their level of understanding in each subject. The emphasis, however, will be on continuous and comprehensive evaluation
(CCE) through the year instead of a single public exam at the end of Class X.

``CBSE has decided to go strongly on making the Class X board exam optional and implement CCE grading system and other alternatives. The process of review of the present Class X exam system is over,'''' Joshi said.

He said that CBSE had also conducted a survey among students on whether they want the board exam to continue.

Joshi said there were apprehensions that the new format would create two categories of students, those who take the exam and others who don''t.

Among these alternatives is the provision of an online, on demand test for those who don''t take the board exam but want certification later on.

In another major decision aimed at ensuring that schools maintain minimum basic standards, the CBSE has decided to have an independent agency for accreditation of CBSE schools.

All schools under the board will have to get themselves evaluated by this agency within three years. New schools will get CBSE affiliation three years after they have been accredited by this agency.

Joshi said the accreditation agency could be either a government or private body. (ANI)