‘Miracle’ Tunisian woman expecting record-breaking 12 babies

‘Miracle’ Tunisian woman expecting record-breaking 12 babiesLondon, August 18 : A North African woman is due to deliver a record-breaking 12 babies this month, it has emerged.

The Tunisian woman, in her 30s, turned to fertility treatment after suffering two miscarriages.

She said she was looking forward to give birth to six boys and six girls, who if are all born alive would be tagged a medical miracle.

“This is an absolute miracle and we all feel blessed after struggling so hard to have children,” the Daily Express quoted her as saying to hospital staff.

Experts have, however, cast a shadow of doubt over the extraordinary feat, saying the chances of all the babies surviving were “very slim”.

Peter ­Bowen-Simpkins, of the Royal ­College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said: “How could you get 12 babies into the womb at the same time? The womb just doesn’t expand that much. She would have to be about seven feet tall.”

He added: “With 12 babies, my feeling is she would ­certainly go into labour by 20 weeks.” (ANI)